Strong plasmon coupling
in Al nanoparticles (NPs) and excitations
in benzene molecules. The calculated photoabsorption spectra of NP–molecule
systems composed of (a) Al201, (b) Al586, and
(c) Al1289 NPs coupled with N benzene
molecules at 3 Å separation (solid lines) clearly show separated
lower and upper polaritons, the splitting of which increases with
increasing N. Spectra of the bare Al particles and
benzene molecule are shown for reference (dotted lines). (d) Coupling
strengths of the NP–molecule systems. Coupling strengths g for different numbers N of molecules
placed 3 Å above the NP. The symbols denote the fitted g values from the data in Figure 2 of ref (183). The dotted lines mark
the ideal theoretical coupling strengths , where μ1 and Evac are the transition dipole moment and amplitude
of vacuum fluctuation, respectively. The dashed lines mark the ideal
dependence multiplied by the efficiency factors between the exciton
and cavity η for η201 = 0.47, η586 = 0.61, and η1289 = 0.78 (see Figure 4a and its in-text description
for details of ref (183)). Reproduced with permission from ref (183). Copyright 2019 Nature Research.