LL-37 and PMB individual versus combined treatment against P. aeruginosa PAO1 pre-grown biofilms. P. aeruginosa PAO1 biofilms were grown in a 96-well microtiter plate at 37 °C for 24 h. Pre-grown biofilms were treated with 0.1 mM resazurin redox indicator and antimicrobial agents: LL-37 alone (16 µg/mL; closed square), PMB alone (2 μg/mL; closed circle), and PMB + LL-37 combination treatment (2 μg/mL PMB + 16 µg/mL LL-37 closed diamond). Water in the absence of P. aeruginosa PAO1 and antimicrobial agents (opened circle) was included as a control for the absorbance of non-reduced resazurin. Control wells containing P. aeruginosa PAO1 in the absence of antimicrobial agents were grown in MH media (closed triangle), as the antibiotic and peptide stock solution were prepared in this medium. Every 1.5 h, the amount of reduced resazurin (resorufin) was measured at 560 nm. The timepoints on the image show the mean average and standard deviation of two independent experiments, each performed in triplicate.