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. 2023 Jan 28;12(2):196. doi: 10.3390/biology12020196

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Immunostaining patterns of IL6 (ad), TGFβ1 (eh) and GFAP (in) expression in C animals (a,b,e,f,ik) and P (c,d,g,h,ln) mice. IL6: an evident IL6 immunolabelling is observable both in DG and CA1 of C mice ((a,b), respectively), showing several markedly immunopositive neurons (arrows). Diversely, in supplemented P mice, a pale IL6-immunopositivity is observed in both areas ((c,d) for DG and CA, respectively), where rare immunolabelled cells are discernible (arrows). TGFβ1: a strong immunoreactivity for TGFβ1 is observed mainly in DG of C mice (e), where different clusters of immunopositive neurons are visible (arrows). Sporadic immunopositive cells (arrows) are observed in the DG of P animals (g). Differently, any immunostaining is observable in CA1 region of both C and P mice ((f,h), respectively). GFAP: a widespread GFAP immunolabelling is distributed both in DG and CA1 of C (ik) and P (ln) mice. In particular, in C animals, a carpet of GFAP-immunopositive astrocytes is clearly evident, showing thickened and intensely stained soma and prolongations (arrows). Light microscopy magnification: 200× (a,c,e,g,j,m); 400× (b,d,f,h,i,k,l,n); 600× (Insert in e,g). Scale bars: 200 µM (a,c,e,g,j,m); 100 µM (b,d,f,h,i,k,l,n).