Figure 3.
Exemplary X-rays of the mandible of the Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) with the mandibular teeth. (a)—lateral view of the mandible (right side) with the caudally hooked mandibular teeth, each tooth with vestibular surface, as well as mesial and distal margins, scale bar: 5 mm; (b)—magnification of the lateral view of the mandible and mandibular teeth, scale bar: 5 mm; (c)—magnification of the mandibular tooth (the mesial and distal margins) and its connection with the mandible, scale bar: 2 mm; (d)—magnification of the mandibular tooth without the apical part of the tooth (with well-visible vertically oriented grooves in the enamel protruding into the tooth), scale bar: 2 mm. m—mandible.