First examples of CYP promiscuity reported in the diterpenoid metabolism: (a) Diterpenoid substrates of CYP720B4 of sitka spruce. All compounds are attacked on C18 whether as methyl, alcohol, aldehyde substituent: 1: abietadiene; 2: isopimaradiene; 3: sandaracopimaradiene; 4: pimaradiene; 5: palustradiene; 6: levopimaradiene; 7: neoabietadiene; 8: dehydroabietadiene. (b) Diterpenes susbstrates of CYP76M8 of rice. Position of oxidative attack on each compound is numbered and indicated by the red arrow. Via these reactions CYP76M8 contributes to the phytocassane, oryzalexin and momilactone pathways: 1: ent-cassa-12,15-diene; 2: ent-pimara-8(14),15-diene; 3: ent-(iso)kaurene; 4: pimara-8(14),15-diene; 5: ent-sandaracopimaradiene; 6: syn-pimara-7,15-diene; 7: sandaracopimaradiene.