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. 2023 Mar 1;26(1):9–22. doi: 10.5770/cgj.26.622




Variable Database Source Codes Algorithm

Age Provincial Registry NA patient’s age at index date

Sex Provincial Registry NA patient’s sex at index date

Year of cohort entry PIN NA year of index date

Weight Alberta CCIS K2B from most recent non-missing RAI assessment prior to index date

Receiving palliative care CIHI-DAD ICD10: Z515 or patserv=58 any code in past 180 days prior to index date
Practitioner Registry 03.05I, 03.05T, 03.05U
Alberta CCIS P1AO=1

Wheelchair ambulation Alberta CCIS G5B=1, G5C=1, G5D=1 any 1 code from RAI assessment ≤45 days prior to index date


Alcohol use CIHI-DAD ICD9: 303,305 any 1 code
ICD10: E244, E512, F10, G312, G621, G721, I426, K292, K70, K860, T510, X45, X65, Y15, Y573, Z502, Z714, Z721
Practitioner Registry 291, 303 any 2 codes

Atrial fibrillation/flutter CIHI-DAD or NACRS ICD9: 427.31, 427.32 1 CIHI-DAD/NACRS code OR 1 PIN claim for “Antiarrhythmics” (****correction: instead of 1 PIN claim) OR 1 practitioner registry claim for cardioversion [Z437] OR (PIN claim for anticoagulant + 1 practitioner registry code)
ICD10: I48
Practitioner Registry 427, 49.98X
PIN see “Antiarrhythmics” and “Anticoagulants”

Cerebrovascular disease CIHI-DAD ICD10: 160.x (exclude 160.8), 161.x, 163.x (exclude 163.6), H34.1, 164.x, H34.0, G45.x (exclude G45.4) any 1 code in DAD most responsible diagnosis position
Alberta CCIS I1U any 1 code

Delusions/hallucinations Alberta CCIS J1E=1, J1I=1 any 1 code (from most immediately antecedent RAI assessment prior to index date)

Dementia CIHI-DAD ICD9: 46.1, 290.0, 290.1, 290.2, 290.3, 290.4, 294.x, 331.0, 331.1, 331.5, 331.82 3 Practitioner registry codes at least 30 days apart in a 2 year period OR 1 PIN claim OR 1 CIHI-DAD code
ICD10: F00x, F01x, F02x, F03x, G30x
Practitioner Registry 290, 331
PIN see “Cholinesterase Inhibitors”
Alberta CCIS I1V=1, I1R=1, P1AN=1 any 1 code

Depression CIHI-DAD ICD10: F32.0, F32.1, F32.2, F32.3, F32.4, F32.5, F32.8, F32.9, F33.0, F33.1, F33.2, F33.3, F33.41, F33.42, F33.8, F33.9, F34.1, F34.8, F34.9, F38.0, F38.1, F38.8, F39, F41.2 any 1 code
Practitioner Registry 311 ≥1 psychiatrist codes OR ≥2 family physician codes within 2 years for any ICD10 depression diagnoses in CIHI-DAD (see above)
Alberta CCIS I1GG=1 any 1 code

Diabetes mellitus CIHI-DAD ICD9: 250.x any 1 code
Practitioner Registry 250 any 2 codes in a 2-year period
Alberta CCIS I1a=1 any 1 code

Injurious falls NACRS or CIHI-DAD ICD10: W00-W19 Any 1 code in last year prior to index date

Hearing impairment Alberta CCIS C1=1,2,or3; C2A=1;C2B=1;C2C=1 Any 1 code

Heart failure CIHI-DAD ICD9: 428 Any 1 code
ICD10: I500, I501, I509 Any 1 code
Practitioner Registry 428 Any 1 code + 2nd claim from CIHI-DAD or practitioner registry in 1 year
Alberta CCIS I1f=1 Any 1 code

Hypertension Practitioner Registry ICD9: 401x, 402x, 403x, 404x, 405x Any 2 outpatient codes within 3 years
ICD10: I10x, I11x, I12x, I13x, I15x
CIHI-DAD ICD9: 401x, 402x, 403x, 404x, 405x
ICD10: I10x, I11x, I12x, I13x, I15x
Alberta CCIS I1i=1 Any 1 code

Ischemic heart disease Practitioner Registry 410, 412, 413, 48.12, 48.13, 48.14, 48.15, 51.61C, 51.59B, 51.59D, 51.59E, 51.59F Any 2 codes (with 1 being in a hospital or emergency room setting) in a 1 year period
CIHI-DAD CCI: 1IJ50, 1IJ57GQ, 1IJ76 Any 1 code

Kidney disease (chronic) Alberta CCIS P1AB=1 any 2 codes

Liver disease (chronic) Alberta CCIS I1TT=1 any 1 code

Major Osteoporotic Fracture CIHI-DAD ICD10: S321, S322, S323, S324, S325, S327, S328, S422, S432, S424, S720, S721; CCI 1VA53, 1VA73, 1VA74, 1VA80, 1VC73, 1VC74 any 1 code
Practitioner Registry 91.00A-E, 91.01, 91.04A-C, 91.08L, 91.08J, 91.10, 91.14, 91.30, 91.31, 91.34 any 2 codes
Alberta CCIS J4C, I1M any 1 code

Malignancy Alberta CCIS I1RR=1, P1AA=1, P1AH=1 any 1 code

Myocardial Infarction CIHI-DAD or NACRS ICD9: 410, 412 any 3 practitioner registry codes in 1 year (with at least one being by a specialist [i.e., not a family doctor] OR within a hospital or emergency room) + any one CIHI-DAD code
ICD10: I21, I22, I25.2
Practitioner Registry ICD9: 410, 412
ICD10: I21, I22, I25.2

Osteoporosis CIHI-DAD ICD9: 733.01–733.09 any 1 code in 5 years prior to index date
ICD10: M80, M81, M82
PIN See “Osteoporosis Medications” any 1 code
Practitioner Registry 733 any 1 code in 5 years prior to index date
Alberta CCIS I1O=1 any 1 code

Parkinsonism CIHI-DAD ICD9: 332.0, 332.1 don’t use; algorithm is best with Practitioner Registry codes - many other algorithms if needed
ICD10: G20, G21.0, G21.1, G21.2, G21.3, G21.4, G21.8, G21.9, G22, F02.3
Practitioner Registry 332 any 2 practitioner registry codes in 1 year separated by 30 days
Alberta CCIS I1AA=1 any 1 code

Peripheral vascular disease Alberta CCIS I1J=1 any 1 code

Psychoses (chronic) CIHI DAD ICD10: F20, F25, F29 any 1 CIHI-DAD code or 2 practitioner registry codes within 5 years
Practitioner Registry 295, 298
Alberta CCIS I1II=1 any 1 code

Rheumatoid arthritis CIHI-DAD ICD9: 714 any 1 code
ICD10: M05-M06
Practitioner Registry 714 any 3 codes with ≥1 by a specialist (specialist = rheumatologist, internist, or orthopedic surgeon) within 2 years

Seizure disorder CIHI-DAD ICD9: 345 any 1 code
ICD10: G40.x, G41.x
Practitioner Registry 345 3 codes separated by 30 days
Alberta CCIS I1CC=1 any 1 code

Unsteady gait Alberta CCIS J1N=1, G5A=1, G6B=1, G6C=1, G6D=1, G6E=1 any 1 code

Visual impairment Alberta CCIS D1=1,2,3,or 4; D2A=1;D2B=1;D3=1 any 1 code


Number of inpatient hospitalizations CIHI-DAD NA Use %getdadsds to pull all hospitalization admissions (parameter source = inpat; parameter refdate = admdate) in the year prior to index date. To exclude hospital transfers, only keep one hospitalization record for each unique hospitalization episode (variable epi). Count the number of inpatients admissions for each cohort member.

Number of drugs prescribed PIN NA Use %getodb to pull all ODB records (including records without the LTC flag) in the year prior to index date. Count the number of unique dins for each cohort member.

Number of emergency room visits NACRS NA Use %getnacrs to pull all unscheduled ED records (parameter inclscheduled = F) in the year prior to index date. Exclude records that constitute a transfer from one ED to another ED (where From_Type = ‘E’). Count the number of ED visits for each cohort member.

Number of geriatrician visits Practitioner Claims SPECNAM = (“GERIATRICS”) Count only one visit per person per day per physician. For each patient, sum the total number of visits made in the past year.

Number of psychiatrist visits Practitioner Claims SPECNAM = (“PSYCHIATRY”) Count only one visit per person per day per physician. For each patient, sum the total number of visits made in the past year.


Cognitive performance scale Alberta CCIS B1=0,1; B4=0,1,2,3; G1h=0,1,2; B2a=0,1; C4=0,1,2,3 from RAI assessment ≤45 days prior to index date

Dependency in ≥1 activities of daily living (ADL) Alberta CCIS G1a=1,2,3, or 4; G1b=1,2,3, or 4; G1c=1,2,3, or 4; G1d=1,2,3, or 4; G1e=1,2,3, or 4; G1f=1,2,3, or 4; G1g=1,2,3, or 4; G1h=1,2,3, or 4; G1i=1,2,3, or 4; G1j=1,2,3, or 4; G2=1,2,3 or 4 any 1 code equal to 1, 2, 3, or 4 from (one of G1a,G1b,G1c,G1d,G1e, G1f) OR G1g, G1h, G1i, G1j, G2 (from RAI assessment ≤30 days prior to index date)

Dependency in ADLs (mean, SD) Alberta CCIS G1a=1,2,3, or 4; G1b=1,2,3, or 4; G1c=1,2,3, or 4; G1d=1,2,3, or 4; G1e=1,2,3, or 4; G1f=1,2,3, or 4; G1g=1,2,3, or 4; G1h=1,2,3, or 4; G1i=1,2,3, or 4; G1j=1,2,3, or 4; G2=1,2,3 or 4 if (G1a=1,2,3, or 4) OR (G1b=1,2,3, or 4) OR (G1c=1,2,3, or 4) OR (G1d=1,2,3, or 4) OR (G1e=1,2,3, or 4) OR (G1f=1,2,3, or 4) then patient is dependent for mobility (mobility=1); if G1g=1,2,3, or 4 then dressing=1; if G1h=1,2,3, or 4 then eating=1; if G1i=1,2,3, or 4 then toilet=1; if G1j=1,2,3, or 4 then hygiene=1; if G2=1,2,3 or 4 then bathing=1; sum of mobility + dressing + eating + toilet + hygiene + bathing = dependency in ADLs (from RAI assessment ≤30 days prior to index date)

Depression symptom scale Alberta CCIS E1a=0,1,2; E1d=0,1,2; E1f=0,1,2; E1h=0,1,2; E1i=0,1,2; E1l=0,1,2; E1m=0,1,2 from RAI assessment ≤45 days prior to index date

Aggressive behaviour scale Alberta CCIS E4b=0,1,2,3; E4c=0,1,2,3; E4d=0,1,2,3; E4e=0,1,2,3 from RAI assessment ≤45 days prior to index date


Major osteoporotic fracture NACRS or CIHI-DAD ICD 10: S321, S322, S323, S324, S325, S327, S328, S422, S432, S424, S720, S721; CCI 1VA53, 1VA73, 1VA74, 1VA80, 1VC73, 1VC74 admission date (admdate) is within 180 days following index date; combine NACRS and DAD records and keep the record for the first (earliest) fracture within the 180 day follow-up period.
Practitioner Claims 91.00A-E, 91.01, 91.04A-C, 91.08L, 91.08J, 91.10, 91.14, 91.30, 91.31, 91.34 any 2 codes within the 180 day follow-up period

Injurious fall NACRS or CIHI-DAD ICD 10: W00-W19 admission date (admdate) is within 180 days following index date; combine NACRS and DAD records and keep the record for the first (earliest) fall within the 180 day follow-up period.

For all hospitalizations using DAD defined above, use:

DAD source: inpatient; Diagnosis type: All diagnosis types except where specifically indicated otherwise;

Exclude suspected diagnoses.

Data Sources

The Alberta Continuing Care Information System (CCIS) contains comprehensive information about residents of nursing homes, including their functional dependence, severity of cognitive impairment, and symptoms relating to depression and pain. Dispensed prescription medications were identified in the Pharmacy Information Network (PIN). The Canadian Institute for Health Information Discharge Abstract Database (CIHI-DAD) was used to identify all inpatient hospitalizations. The National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS) database was used to identify all emergency department visits. All information relating to physician payment claims was obtained from the Practitioner Claims database. All patient demographic information (including date of death, if appropriate) was obtained from the Provincial Registry.