Pedigree of family #777.Three-generation pedigree with affected
individuals represented by black-filled symbols. The subject number is
beneath the symbol. Subject #1 is the proband. Beneath the subject
number are the numbered alleles for the polymorphic markers. The number
of each allele was assigned to the base pair size of the allele. The
base pair sizes of the alleles are available by request. The allele of
the affected haplotypes that segregate with the disease in family #777
are in red type and highlighted in yellow. At the lower right side of
the image is individual #765-8051. This affected individual is from the
original NCMD family #765l; beneath #765-8051 is the haplotype of this
original NCMD family. Note the affected haplotype in family #777 is
different than the affected haplotype in the original NCMD family
(#765), suggesting that the 2 families do not share a common founder.
The order of the markers is centromere to D6S501, D6S249, D6S1716, NU23,
NU20, D6S1717, D6S1565, NU27-GA, NU27-TTT, NU31, D6S1671, D6S475, and
D6S283 to telomere. The D6S. . . numbers are polymorphic markers in the
MCDR1 locus that are publicly available. The markers noted with
“NU. . .” are proprietary markers developed in the authors’ laboratory
and are available by request.
Abbreviation: NCMD, North Carolina macular dystrophy.