Marginal integrity (CN) |
Explorer does not catch when drawn across the surface of the restoration towards the tooth |
Explorer catches and there is visible evidence of a crevice |
Explorer penetrates into a crevice that extends to the dentino–enamel junction |
Marginal integrity (SSC) |
0.5 mm extension of the crown into the gingival margin |
1 mm extension of the crown into the gingival margin |
More than 1 mm extension of the crown into the gingival margin |
Proximal contact |
Resistance met when passing floss |
Floss passed without resistance but contact present |
No contact with adjacent tooth |
Gingival health |
No gingival bleeding |
Bleeding with probe |
Spontaneous bleeding |
Secondary caries |
Absent |
Present |
Discomfort on biting |
Absent |
Present |