Fig. 3.
Viral DNA concentrations in tissues collected from capripoxvirus-infected sheep and goats. Viral DNA concentrations were determined by qPCR and are expressed as log10 viral genome copies per 100 ng of extracted tissue DNA; data are the mean of duplicate reactions with error bars indicating standard deviations. Tissues that were positive by virus isolation are indicated by a plus (+) symbol and an asterisk (⁎) in x-axis labels denotes that a sample was not collected. Note that the goat DPI 4 inoculation site and nasal mucosa, the goat DPI 6 abomasum and the sheep DPI 8 and 15 contralateral lymph node samples were not assayed by qPCR. Note in addition that all qPCR positive samples with fewer than 10 viral genome copies per 100 ng of extracted DNA could not be accurately quantified and were arbitrarily assigned a value of 0.5 on the y-axis. Abbreviations: LN (lymph node); Normal Skin (skin with no apparent gross pathology); Kidney (kidney cortex).