Figure 2.
Cardiac CT using photon-counting computed tomography. The figure shows advanced multiplanar reconstructions of a coronary tree derived from a Photon-Counting CT (Scanner: NAEOTOM Alpha, Siemens) acquisition (A–C). In (A) we can see the right coronary artery with 2 stents (arrowheads), one proximal and one distal (much smaller), without any issue in the intrastent visualization of the arterial lumen. In (B), the left anterior descending coronary artery is depicted along its entire course (down to and beyond the left ventricular apex) with great detail and an evident deep intramyocardial course in the middle segment of the vessel (arrowhead). In (C), the left circumflex coronary artery also shows a stent with perfect intrastent visualization and patency (arrowhead).