Figure 4.
(A–E) Family 2. Patient 5 (Family 2: II-3). Age 9 years. The sister of patients 3 and 4. Generalized osteopenia. All long bones are slender. Humeri are shortened and sharply bent distally. Healed greenstick fractures of distal humeri are observed. (C) Large metaphyseal flare of femora is noted. Popcorn epiphyses and metaphyses are observed at distal femora (arrows). (F–H) Family 3. Patient 6 (Family 3: II-1). Age 5 years. Generalized osteopenia. Absence of trapezium, trapezoid, pisiform, and triquetrum bones bilaterally. All long bones are slender and bowed. Flare of distal femoral metaphyses is noted. Fractures of right humerus, bilateral humeri, and left femur are healed. Popcorn calcifications are not observed.