Typical cartilage structure-inspired hydrogels. (A) The main components consisted of an AC lubrication system within the AC superficial layer (left). The SEM cross-sectional morphology of Composite-LP, which clearly shows the load-bearing phase and lubrication phase (right). (B) The friction coefficients of the Composite-LP, Hg-LP, Composite, and Hg samples (load, 1 N; frequency, 1 Hz). Panels (A,B) are reprinted with permission from Ref [25]. Copyright 2022, American Chemical Society. (C) Schematic illustration of the bilayer-oriented heterogeneous hydrogel (BH-CF/MMT hydrogel). (D) The compressive strength and compressive modulus (D) and the average friction coefficient (E) of the bilayer-oriented heterogeneous hydrogel compared with control groups (bilayer unoriented hydrogel, A-MMT hydrogel, and A-MMT hydrogel). Reprinted with permission from Ref [70]. Copyright 2022, American Chemical Society.