Table 1.
Characteristics of the studies included in the systematic review.
First author | Design | Location | Exposure Measurement |
Type of Population | Number of cases | Sample size | Measures of Central Tendency & Dispersion |
Adjustment Variablesa |
| ||||||||
Andersson et al., (2021) | Case-Control | Sweden | Biomarker (BCL) | Overall | 1274 | 3846 | Highest (1.20–4.997) vs. Lowest (0.041–0.409 quartile (μg/L) | Parity, age at first child, late menopause, HRT, BMI, alcohol, physical activity, smoking, fiber consumption, socioeconomic index |
Amadou et al., (2020) | Case-Control | France | Air | Premenopausal Postmenopausal Overall |
4059 | 8118 | Highest (>5.47) vs Lowest (≤0.033) quintile (mg/m2) | Physical activity, smoking status, level of education, BMI, previous family history of breast cancer, history of personal benign breast disease, age at first full-term pregnancy, parity, breastfeeding, oral contraceptive use, menopausal HRT use and status of birthplace. |
White et al., (2019) | Cohort | US | Air | Premenopausa Postmenopausal Overall |
2587 | 50,884 | No available. However, authors compared highest with lowest Cd quintiles (μg/m3) | Race, education, annual household income, marital status, parity, census-track level median income and geographic region. |
Gaudet et al., (2019) | Case- Control |
US, Italy, Sweden | Biomarker (BCL) |
Overall | 1435 | 2868 | Highest (>2.00) vs Lowest (0–0.49) quintiles (μg/L) | Race, blood draw date, age, cigarette smoking initiation relative to first birth, cigarette smoking status, iron/ multi-vitamin use, alcohol consumption, HRT, and season of blood draw |
Grioni et al., (2019) | Cohort | Italy | Diet | Premenopausal Postmenopausal Overall |
451 | 8924 | Highest (8.82–16.10) vs Lowest (0.45–6.72) quintile (μg/day) | Age, energy intake, menopausal status, age at menarche, height, BMI, age at first childbirth, smoking status, years of education, alcohol, vegetable intake, dietary iron, dietary calcium and dietary zinc |
Strumylaite et al., (2019) | Case-Control | Lithuania | Biomarker (UCL) |
Postmenopausal | 509 | 1679 | Highest (>0.33) vs lowest (<0.18) tertil of creatinine-adjusted urinary cadmium (kg 10−9/kg 10−3 creatinine) | Age, number of births, age at first birth, estrogen-active (fertile) period, HRT during menopause, family history on breast cancer, alcohol use, smoking, BMI, education, marital status, diabetes mellitus, and thyroid diseases |
Adams et al., (2016) | Case-cohort | US | Biomarker (UCL) |
Postmenopausal | 508 | 12,701 | Highest (>0.748) vs Lowest (< 0.325) quartile (μg/g-Creatinine) | Age group and adjusted for Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study component, age at first birth, age at menopause, family history of breast cancer, smoking status, pack-years of smoking, body mass index, education, alcohol consumption, WHI Hormone Therapy Trial arm, and hormone therapy use. |
Eriksen et al., (2017) | Cohort | Denmark | Biomarker (UCL) |
Postmenopausal | 900 | 1978 | Highest (0.42–5.41) vs Lowest (<0.16) tertile (ng/ mL) | Educational level, number of births, age at first birth, HRT status, HRT use, height, weight, physical activity and alcohol intake |
Wei et al., (2015) | Case-Control | China | Biomarker (UCL) |
Premenopausal Postmenopausal Overall |
240 | 486 | Highest (>2.36) vs. Lowest (1.59) tertile (μg/g creatinine) | Age, BMI, age at menarche, marital status, education, parity, menopausal status, and family history of breast cancer |
Adams et al., (2014) | Cohort | US | Diet | Postmenopausal | 6658 | 150,889 | Highest (>14.21) vs. Lowest (<7.10) quintile (μg/day) | Total energy intake, age and study component, BMI, smoking, alcohol, consumption, race/ethnicity, education, physical activity, age at first birth, age at menarche, age at menopause, unopposed estrogen use, and estrogen and progesterone use, mammography 2 years before baseline, daily vegetable servings and daily grain servings. |
Eriksen et al., (2014) | Cohort | France | Diet | Postmenopausal | 1390 | 23,815 | Highest (>0.15) vs. Lowest (<11.9) tertiles (μg/day) | Educational level, smoking status, number of births, age at first birth, HRT status, HRT use, age at menarche, BMI, height, physical activity, and alcohol intake |
Itoh et al., (2014) | Case-Control | Japan | Diet | Postmenopausal | 390 | 780 | Highest (median:31.5) vs lowest (median:21.4) tertiles of cadmium intake (μg/day). | Age, residential area, moderate physical activity in the past 5 years, smoking status, family history of breast cancer, and number of births, isoflavone intake, vegetable intake, and total energy intake. |
Nagata et al., (2013) | Case-Control | Japan | Biomarker (UCL) | Overall | 153 | 584 | Highest (>2.620) vs Lowest (1.674) tertile (μg/g creatinine) | Age, years of education, age at menarche, number of births, age at first birth, BMI, smoking status, alcohol intake, and family history of breast cancer among first-degree relatives |
Adams et al., (2012) | Cohort | US | Diet | Postmenopausal | 899 | 26,801 | Highest (>13.3) vs. Lowest (<7.48) quartile (μg/day) | Age, total energy intake, education, race, HRT, vegetable consumption (excluding potatoes), potato consumption, whole grain consumption, cigarette smoking, BMI, physical activity, alcohol consumption, age at first childbirth, multivitamin use, and mammography. |
Julin et al., (2012) | Cohort | Sweden | Diet | Postmenopausal | 1916 | 55,987 | Highest (>16) vs. Lowest (<13) tertiel (μg/day) | Age, BMI, >12 years of education, use of oral contraceptives, HRT, age at menarche, age at menopause, parity, age at first birth, alcohol consumption, glycemic load, and total energy intake, and intake of whole grain and vegetables in tertiles |
Sawada et al., (2012) | Cohort | Japan | Diet | Overall | 402 | 48,351 | Highest (median:32.3) vs. Lowest (median:19.2) tertile (μg/day) | Age, area, BMI, smoking status, frequency of alcohol intake, leisure-time physical activity, intake of meat, soybean, vegetable, and fruit, menopausal status, and HRT |
Gallagher et al., (2010) | Case-Control | US | Biomarker (UCL) | Overall | 192 | 3174 | Highest (≥0.60) vs. Lowest (<0.22) quartile (μg/g) | Age group, never-smoker, never-drinker, menopausal status, non-Hispanic white relative to black, Hispanic or Mexican American, multi-racial or other |
McElroy et al., (2006) | Case-Control | US | Biomarker (UCL) | Overall | 246 | 500 | Highest (≥0.58 μg/g)) vs. Lower (<0.26) quartile (μg/g) |
Age, parity, age at fi rst birth, family history of breast cancer, recent alcohol consumption, BMI, age at menarche, menopausal status, age at menopause, HRT, education, and marital status. |
From the most adjusted model. BMI: Body mass index; HRT: Hormone replacement therapy; BCL: Blood cadmium levels; UCL:Urinary cadmium levels.Articles are cited in descending order from the newest to the oldest.