Fig. 1. scRNA-seq profiling of the stepwise progression of HNSCC.
a A schematic diagram of the stepwise progression of HNSCC. b Cell types of the 54,239 cells are indicated in a UMAP plot. c Distribution of tissue types, HPV infection status, and individual patients are shown. d Cell compositions of the major cell types of epithelial cells (n = 6106), fibroblasts (n = 12,336), NK/T cells (n = 17,869), and B/Plasma cells (n = 7,437) are shown according to the tissue types and patients’ HPV infection status. Data points represent the average value of the cell type proportions in each sample. Box plots show the median (center line), the upper and lower quantiles (box), and the range of the data (whiskers). Source data are provided in a Source Data file.