Figure 4.
Validation of the promising hit compounds
(A) Immunostaining of purified OPCs treated with different compounds for 10 days show stronger MBP staining and more MBP+ cells (top panel) and appearance of improved myelination of electrospun nanofibers ((950 nM diameter nanofibers) lower panel) compared to the DMSO treated cells. Red channel was overexposed to visualize the nanofibers in the lower panel. Immunostaining was independently repeated three times with similar results; scale bar: 100 µm.
(B) MBP-Nanoluc activity in the PTt-P1-MsNL OPCs treated with different concentration of small molecules. Yaxis is the Nanoluc reading after 5 days of drug treatment, presented as fold change to day 0. Data presented as mean ± SEM.
(C and D) Flow analysis (C) and qPCR-based quantification (D) of the OPCs treated with different small molecules show increased number of PLP1-GFP+ cells and increased PLP1 and other OL marker transcripts compared to the DMSO treated cells. In (C), comparison to DMSO is made using multiple unpaired t-test (∗, P <0.05). Data for (D) is presented as mean ±SD.