Gene set enrichment analysis of the small molecule treated samples when compared to DMSO treatment
(A and B) Heatmaps of GSEA to show few highlighted pathways that are upregulated (A) or downregulated (B) in the OL cluster of different drugs treated samples.
(C–E) Up or downregulated pathways in the OPC cells treated with different small molecules. Detailed GSEA for all the clusters are listed in supplemental data X.
(F) Venn diagram showing overlap of genes enriched in the cells within OLLC trajectory (Figure 7D) of different drug treated samples.
(G) Heatmap of GSEA analysis highlighting few pathways that are enriched in the OLLCs of SR2211 treated samples. GSEA was performed with the 172 enriched genes that are unique to the SR2211 treatment.
(H) Expression of RORC and PTGIR, canonical targets of SR2211 and Ro1138452 in the single cell RNAseq dataset.