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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2023 Feb 25.
Published in final edited form as: J Am Geriatr Soc. 2015 Jun 11;63(6):1214–1238. doi: 10.1111/jgs.13454

Table 1.

Prevalence Estimates of Elder Abuse According to Population, Survey Method, and Definition

Author, Year Population Age; Sex; Race and Ethnicity Survey Method Participation rate, % Measure No. item Cutoff Points Prevalence
North/South America
 Dong, 201433 3,159 elderly Chinese In Chicago ≥60; 58.9% female In person 91.9 H-S/EAST, VASS 10 ≥1 Items 15.0% since age 60
 Dong, 201433 3,159 elderly Chinese In Chicago ≥60; 58.9% female In person 91.9 CTS; caregiver neglect assessment; financial exploitation assessment 56 a 13.9–25.8% since age 60
 Deliema, 201214 198 Hlspanics In Los Angeles ≥66; 56% female In person 65 University of Southern California Older Adult Conflict Scale 54 ≥1 items 1-year, 40.4%; multiple, 21%
 Dong, 201258 4,627 adults in Chicago ≥65; 64.4% female In person N/A Chicago Elder Self-Neglect Scale 21 ≥1 Items Black: men, 13.2%; women, 10.9% White: men, 2.4%; women, 2.6%
 Lachs, 201154 4, 156 English- or Spanish-speaking community; cognitively Intact older New Yorkers 60–101; 35.5% female; 19.0% black, 75.5% white, 6.0% Hispanic, 0.8% American Indian, 1.2% Asian Telephone N/A CTS 31 a 14.1% since age 60
 Acierno, 20103 5,777 cognitively intact U.S. community population 60–97, 60% female; 88% white, 7% black, 4% Hispanic, 2% American Indian, 1% Asian Random-diglt dialing and computer-assisted interview 69 Interpersonal Violence Measure and Acierno EM Measure 22 ≥1 items Any elder abuse (exclude financial): 10%
 Wiglesworth, 201023 129 older adults with dementia and their caregiver; 77.1 ± 8.0; 45.7% female; 93.8 white, 8.5% Hispanic In-person survey of caregivers N/A CTS, Elder Abuse Instrument, Self-Neglect Assessment Scale NA a 1-year 47.3%; multiple, 14.6%.
 Beach, 201037 903 U.S. community-dwelling older adults with landline, English-speaking, no severe cognitive Impairment ≥60; 73.3% female; 23.3% black, 72.8% white, 3.9% other Random-dlgit dialing, In-person, self-administered 37.7 Modified CTS 12 a 6-month financial exploitation, 3.5%; 6-month psychological mistreatment, 8.2%
 Laumann, 200817 3,005 older adults In the National, Social Life, Health and Aging project 57–85; 51.2% female; 80.7% white, 10.0% black; 6.8% Hispanic; 2.5% other In-person and mall survey 75.5 H-S/EAST, VASS 3 ≥1 Items 1-year: verbal, 9%; financial, 3.5%; physical, 0.2%
 Buri, 200681 498 older adults In the Iowa Medicaid Waiver Program 65–101; 70.9% female; 96% white, 3% black Mail survey 49 Elder Abuse Screen 5 ≥1 items 20.9%: 1 type, 15.8%; 2 types, 4.0%; 3 types, 1.0%
 Lindert, 201319 4,467 older adults from seven countries in Europe 60–84; 57.3% female In-person and mail survey 45.2 Modified CTS 52 ≥1 Items 1-year, 12.7–30.8%
 Naughton, 201124 2,021 community-dwelling older people In Ireland ≥65; 55% female In person 83 CTS, UK and NY prevalence studies NA a 1-year, 2.2%
 Kissai, 201182 331 older adults In Izmir, Turkey ≥65; 56.8% female In person N/A Investigator-determined 5 a 6-month, 13.3%
 Biggs, 200983 2,111 older adults In the community In United Kingdom ≥66 In person 65 Built on literature 34 a 2.6% with neglect; 1.6% without neglect
 Ajdukovic, 200925 303 older adults in Croatia 65–97; 76.6% female In person NA Elder Abuse in the Family questionnaire 20 NA 1-year, 61.1%
 Cooper, 200984 220 UK caregivers of people with dementia 58–99, 72% female In person 69 Modified CTS 10 Score ≥2 3-month, 52%
 Garre-Olmo, 200985 676 community-dwelling older adults In Girona, Spain ≥75; 58.2% female. In person 82 AMA Screen 9 ≥1 Items 1-year, 29.3%; 2 types, 3.6%; 3 types, 0.1%
 Perez Carceles, 200886 460 older adults in health center in Spain ≥65; 53.3% female In person N/A Canadian Task Force, AMA Screen 19 ≥1 items 44.6%
 Comijs, 199831,32 1,797 older people living Independently In Amsterdam, the Netherlands 69–89; 62.8% female Interview 44.4 CTS, Measure of Wife Abuse, Violence Against Man Scale NA a 1-year, 5.6%; ≥2 types, 0.4%
 Wu, 201221 2,039 Chinese older adults in rural China ≥60; 59.9% female In person 90.8 H-S/EAST, VASS NA ≥1 Items 1-year, 36.2%; ≥2 types, 10.5%
 Somjinda Chompunud, 201087 233 cognitively functioning older adults in Thailand 60–90; 73.4% female In person 73.3 Interview guideline for screening for elder abuse 6 ≥1 items 1-year, 14.6%; 1 time, 9.9%; ≥2 times, 4.7%
 Lowenstein, 200927 1,045 community-living older adults from the first national survey In Israel ≥65; 62.5% female In person 75 CTS2, short situational descriptions, Respondents’ Reactions to Aggression NA a 1-year, 35.0%
 Oh, 200922 15,230 older adults In Seoul, Korea ≥65; 65.3% female In person N/A Compiled through literature 25 ≥2 times 1-month, 6.3%
 Lee, 200888 1,000 primary caregivers of family members with disabilities In Seoul, Korea 65–102; 69.5% female In person N/A N/A 6 a Not answered question, 10.5%; yelled, 10.9%; confined, 18%; hit, 9.7%; neglected, 13.6%
 Dong, 200744 412 cognitively intact community-living persons from medical clinics in China ≥60, 34% female Self-administered survey 82.4 H-S/EAST, VASS 13 ≥1 items 35.2% since age 60; 1 type, 64%; 2 types, 16%; ≥3 types, 20%
 Sasaki, 200789 412 pairs of disabled older adults and family caregivers in Japan Mean 80.5, 60.1% female Self-administrated survey 70.0 Checklist developed by literature 9 ≥1 Items 6-month, 34.9%
 Chokkanathan, 200626 400 community-living cognitively intact older adults In India ≥65; 49.5% female In person 80 CTS 18 a 1-year, 14%
 Yan, 200131 355 community-living older adults In Hong Kong, China ≥60; 62% female Self-administered N/A Revised CTS 25 ≥1 items 1-year, 21.4%; types, 17.1% multiple
 Cadmus, 201220 404 elderly women In Oyo state, southwestern Nigeria ≥60; 100% female; 100% Yoruba Semistructured questionnaires N/A Standardized questionnaire developed by World Health Organization 18 Score ≥1 1-year, 30%
 Rahman, 201228 1,106 older adults living at home In rural area of Mansoura city, Dakahilia Governate, Egypt ≥60; 53.2% female In-person interview 95.3 Questionnaire to elicit abuse 15 ≥1 Items 1-year, 43.7%; 1 type, 35.4%; 2 types, 3.8%; 3 types, 3.8%; 4 types, 0.6%

For detailed table on the definitional criteria for specific subtypes of elder abuse and its prevalence, see online Table S1.


Cutoff varies according to subtype of abuse and more detailed information regarding the cut-off point of each type of abuse please see the appendix.

H-S/EAST = Hwalek-Sengstok Elder Abuse Screening Test; VASS = Vulnerability to Abuse Screening Scale; CTS = Conflict Tactics Scale; AM A = American Medical Association, N/A = not applicable.