Fig. 1. Sequence characteristics of BCRs from IgG-positive plasmablasts isolated after Vi-TT primary or Vi-PS boost immunization.
(A) Subclass distribution for n = 3 participants, in response to prime (Vi-TT) and boost (Vi-PS) in a paired fashion. (B) Heavy-chain CDR3 length after Vi-TT prime (n = 3) or Vi-PS-boost (n = 3), showing paired samples only. (C to E) Individual heavy-chain CDR3 length after Vi-TT prime or Vi-PS boost. Gray lines are based on a normal distribution with the mean and SD of the CDR3 length data for sample shown. (F) Ig heavy-chain variable region usage in paired samples, comparing Vi-TT prime and Vi-PS boost. Four heavy-chain regions of interest are shown. Further regions are shown in fig. S4.