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. 2023 Feb 8;28(4):1619. doi: 10.3390/molecules28041619

Table 3.

Indications, retention, advantages, and precautions of dental luting agents [16,22,27].

Luting Agents Indications Adhesion Excess Removal
(I *: Easy)
(I *: High)
Advantages Disadvantages Precautions
Zinc phosphate 1,3,6,9,10 Chemical Easy Moderate History of use Solubility, leakage Use for “traditional” cast restorations
Zinc polycarboxylate 1,3,4,6 Chemical Medium Low/moderate Biocompatibility Low strength, solubility Do not reduce powder/liquid ratio
Glass-ionomer F 1,3,6,9,10,12 Chemical Medium Moderate to high Translucency Solubility, leakage Avoid early moisture exposure
RMGIC F 1,3,9,10 Micro-mechanical Medium High Low solubility, low microleakage Water sorption, history of use Avoid with ceramic restorations
Resin cement 1–3, 5–12 Mechanical Medium to difficult High Adhesive, low solubility Film thickness, history of use Moisture control

1—full metallic and metal–ceramic crown and partial FDP, 2—crown or partial FDP with poor retention, 3—MCC with porcelain margin, 4—casting on the patient with a history of post-treatment sensitivity, 5—pressed, high-leucite, ceramic crown, 6—slip-cast alumina crown, 7—ceramic inlay, onlay, and veneer, 8—resin-retained partial FDP, 9—cast post and core (metal), 10—aesthetic postcore and core (fiber and ceramic), 11—ceramic veneer, and 12—full zirconia and zirconia-based ceramic restorations. I *—ideal, FDP—fixed dental prosthesis, MCC—metal–ceramic crown, F—fluoride release, and RMGIC—resin-modified glass-ionomer cement.