Gq binding to GRPR. (A) Detailed key interactions between GRPR (green) and Gq (orange), with the hydrogen bonds shown as blue dashed lines. (B) An extra patch of interactions in the TM5-ICL3-TM6 region. (C) Structural comparisons on the G proteins shifts among GRPR-Gq (forest green/orange), H1R-Gq (medium purple/light coral, PDB ID: 7DFL), M1R-G11 (light salmon/light pink, PDB ID: 6OJI), NK1R-Gq (medium aquamarine/cornflower blue, PDB ID: 7RMG), GHR-Gq (medium turquoise/olive drab, PDB ID: 7F9Y), BK1R-Gq (yellow green/dark grey, PDB ID: 7EIB), BK2R-Gq (royal blue/chocolate, PDB ID: 7F6H), 5HT2AR-Gq (goldenrod/medium sea green, PDB ID: 6WHA), CCK1R-Gq (dark khaki/cadet blue, PDB ID: 7EZM), and MRGRPX4R-Gq complex structures (dark gray/dark khaki, PDB ID: 7S8P).