HIV-1-targeted gene sets that interact with HIV-1 contributed to enriching immunologic signatures alongside HIV-1 infections associated with ART. (a) Cluster heatmap representing the frequency of provirus-targeted genes interacting with HIV-1. Parentheses placed under the column indicate the total number of provirus-targeted genes reported to interact with HIV-1. (b) Cluster heatmap representing enriched immunologic signatures in HIV-1-infected individuals and elite controllers. Inside the parentheses, +HIV and −HIV indicate provirus-targeted genes reported to interact with HIV-1 or not, respectively. The number indicates the number of enriched immunologic signatures. The color scale represents the intensity of the enrichment represented by rich factors. (c) Box plots representing the enrichment of immunologic signatures represented by rich factors. Commands executed to calculate rich factors are described in the Materials and Methods. Statistical significance was calculated using the Wilcoxon test in R with default options. (d) Stacked bar chart representing the proportion of immune cell types present in enriched immunologic signatures in HIV-1-infected individuals. Statistical significance was calculated using Pearson’s chi-square test in R with default options. Inside the parentheses, +HIV and −HIV indicate provirus-targeted genes reported to interact with HIV-1 or not, respectively. The number indicates the number of counted immune cell types in enriched immunologic signatures. (e) Cluster heatmap representing the abundance of proinflammatory soluble factors present in enriched immunologic signatures in HIV-1-infected individuals. Inside the parentheses, +HIV and −HIV indicate provirus-targeted genes reported to interact with HIV-1 or not, respectively. The number indicates the number of proinflammatory soluble factors from the total number of enriched immunologic signatures. NS > 0.05, * p ≤ 0.05, ** p ≤ 0.01, *** p ≤ 0.001, **** p ≤ 0.0001. “ut”; pretreatment. “st”; short period of ART. “lt”; long period of ART. ART; antiretroviral therapy. EC; elite controllers. HSCs; hematopoietic stem cells. NK cells; natural killer cells. PBMCs; peripheral blood mononuclear cells.