Summary of the partitioning of the genetic variance into Additive and Non-additive and the residual maximum likelihood estimates of the Total (additive plus non-additive) genetic variance before (Baseline factor analytic linear mixed model with markers: M1) and after identifying putative QTL (Final multi-QTL model: M2) for each of the traits. VAFm shows the percentage of genetic variance accounted for by the identified putative QTL. Trait variations for SY, PH, and SPAD were assessed considering the two watering blocks as two environments, whereas for DTF, it was evaluated considering them as a single environment; SY: Seed yield, PH: Plant height; SPAD: Chlorophyll content; DTF: Days to flower; WD: Water-deficit block; WW: Well-watered block. Seed yield is predicted at the average value of 9.6 plants per plot for WW block and 6.3 plants per plot for WD block.