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. 2023 Feb 16;23(4):2240. doi: 10.3390/s23042240

Table 4.

Electrochemical nanomodified graphene-based biosensors.

Reference Sample/Analyte/Target Type of Graphene LOD/LR
[89] Lead in blood sample gFET LOD below 37.5 ng/L
[90] Cancer gFET LOD of less than 100 pg/ML
[91] Human papillomavirus graphene-polyaniline 2.3 nM LOD and 10–200 nM LR
[92] Cardiac troponin rGO, silver nanoparticles and Molybdenum sulfide (MOS) 0.3 pg/mL to 0.2 ng/mL LR
[93] Breast cancer biomarkers GO and gold nanoparticles 0.16 nM and 0.23 nM LOD and 378 nA/nM and 219 nA/nM for ERBB2 and CD24 respectively
[94] Living cell peroxide RGO-Pt 0.2 Um LOD and 0.5 µM to3.475 mM wide LR
[95] Mycobacterium tuberculosis RGO- gold NPs 1.0 × 10−15 to 1.0 × 10−9 M.
[96] 4 DNA bases Reduced graphene-nanowalls 0.1 fM to 10 mM and 9.4 zM (∼5 dsDNA/mL)
[97] Leukemia cells graphene oxide nanoplates and reduced graphene oxide nanowalls leukaemia fractions (LFs) of ∼10−11 LOD
[98] Leukemia cells Mg2+-charged spongy graphene electrodes wide concentration range of 1.0 × 105–0.1 cell/mL and LOD of ∼0.02 cell/mL