I am skeptical about the official explanation regarding the cause of virus emergence |
152 (23.5%) |
176 (27.2%) |
56 (8.7%) |
129 (20.0%) |
68 (10.5%) |
52 (8.0%) |
13 (2.0%) |
I do not trust the information about the viruses from scientific experts |
153 (23.7%) |
226 (35.0%) |
89 (13.8%) |
85 (13.2%) |
48 (7.4%) |
30 (4.6%) |
15 (2.3%) |
Most viruses are man-made |
128 (19.8%) |
203 (31.4%) |
93 (14.4%) |
103 (15.9%) |
55 (8.5%) |
47 (7.3%) |
17 (2.6%) |
The spread of viruses is a deliberate attempt to reduce the size of the global population |
127 (19.7%) |
195 (30.2%) |
73 (11.3%) |
111 (17.2%) |
72 (11.1%) |
50 (7.7%) |
18 (2.8%) |
The spread of viruses is a deliberate attempt by governments to gain political control |
115 (17.8%) |
178 (27.6%) |
91 (14.1%) |
124 (19.2%) |
70 (10.8%) |
48 (7.4%) |
20 (3.1%) |
The spread of viruses is a deliberate attempt by global companies to take control |
118 (18.3%) |
175 (27.1%) |
95 (14.7%) |
110 (17.0%) |
78 (12.1%) |
43 (6.7%) |
27 (4.2%) |
Lockdowns in response to emerging infections are aimed for mass surveillance and to control every aspect of our lives |
118 (18.3%) |
159 (24.6%) |
92 (14.2%) |
119 (18.4%) |
74 (11.5%) |
53 (8.2%) |
31 (4.8%) |
Lockdowns in response to emerging infections are aimed for mass surveillance and to destabilize the economy for financial gain |
106 (16.4%) |
171 (26.5%) |
93 (14.4%) |
131 (20.3%) |
71 (11.0%) |
52 (8.0%) |
22 (3.4%) |
Lockdown is a way to terrify, isolate, and demoralize a society as a whole in order to reshape society to fit specific interests |
110 (17.0%) |
182 (28.2%) |
94 (14.6%) |
122 (18.9%) |
71 (11.0%) |
40 (6.2%) |
27 (4.2%) |
Viruses are biological weapons manufactured by the superpowers to take global control |
100 (15.5%) |
167 (25.9%) |
100 (15.5%) |
120 (18.6%) |
78 (12.1%) |
50 (7.7%) |
31 (4.8%) |
Coronavirus was a plot by globalists to destroy religion by banning gatherings |
115 (17.8%) |
156 (24.1%) |
103 (15.9%) |
133 (20.6%) |
55 (8.5%) |
48 (7.4%) |
36 (5.6%) |
The mainstream media is deliberately feeding us misinformation about the virus |
108 (16.7%) |
140 (21.7%) |
119 (18.4%) |
143 (22.1%) |
61 (9.4%) |
39 (6.0%) |
36 (5.6%) |