Table 2.
Mean scores for survey items in eHEALS * (n = 356).
Survey Items | Mean (SD) |
I know what health resources are available on the Internet | 3.21 (1.06) |
I know how to use the health information I find on the Internet to help me | 3.21 (1.10) |
I know how to find helpful health resources on the Internet | 3.17 (1.11) |
I know where to find helpful health resources on the Internet | 3.14 (1.06) |
I know how to use Internet to answer my questions about health | 3.08 (1.08) |
I can tell high quality health resources from low quality health resources on the Internet | 3.03 (1.11) |
I feel confident in using information from the Internet to make health decisions | 3.00 (1.10) |
I have the skills I need to evaluate the health resources I find on the Internet | 2.99 (1.10) |
* Each of the 8 items were rated on a 5-point Likert scale, with 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree. Overall eHealth Literacy Scale score ranges from 8 to 40.