Expression of MCT8 in pyramidal neurons of the human and macaque motor cortex. Representative brightfield photomicrographs show immunostaining for MCT8 in layers III (A), V (B) and VI (C) of the human motor cortex, and layers II (G), III (H), and V (I) of the macaque motor cortex. White arrowheads point to pyramidal neurons with immunopositive signal in the soma, apical and basal dendrites. Black arrowheads point to smaller cells with the morphology of interneurons. (D–F) (human) and (J–L) (macaque) show confocal microscope images from double-stained sections for MCT8 (green) and the pyramidal neuron markers SMI-32 (red) for 200 kDa neurofilament protein or neurogranin/RC3 (red), respectively. White arrowheads point to pyramidal neurons. Counterstaining with DAPI (blue) shows nuclei of all cells. Note that in humans, the MCT8 signal is located mainly in the pyramidal cell membrane, while in macaques it is located in the membrane and the cytoplasm. Scale bar = 50 μm (A), 120 μm (B,I), 25 μm (C–F), 60 μm (G), 62.5 μm (H), and 43.5 μm (J–L).