Overview of different transplant types from retinal organoids (ROs) and post-transplantation testing. A, Three different transplants obtained from RO. B, Schematic diagram of transplantation procedure. C, post-transplantation analysis that targets on different regions in the brain. Fluorescence adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy image was taken from Aboualizadeh et al95 (Fig. 4C); shuttle-avoidance system (SAS) schematic diagram was modified from Mandai et al41 (Fig. 3A). Optical coherence tomography and fluorescence adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy (FAOSLO) targeted on retina, shuttle-avoidance system (SAS) targeted on visual cortex (VC), and optokinetic test (OKT) targeted on superior colliculus (SC) (color-coded).