The molecular architecture of the ISOC in vascular endothelial cells. (A), the endothelial ISOC is mediated by a complex ion channel signalplex that is located on plasmalemmal caveolae. The ion channel pore is contributed by TRPC1 and TRPC4 channels, which are informed about changes in [Ca2+]ER by STIM1. The signalling microdomain is enriched with InsP3Rs, which interact with the TRPC1 and TRPC4 subunits via caveolin-1. For sake of clarity, only the interaction between InsP3Rs and TRPC1 has been shown. The monomeric GTP−binding protein, RhoA, also supports the interaction between InsP3Rs and TRPC1 via F−actin polymerization (two bundles of F-actin were drawn beneath the plasma membrane). (B), the IV relationship of the endothelial ISOC.