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. 2023 Feb 11;15(4):915. doi: 10.3390/nu15040915

Table 3.

Vitamin C status relative to residential status.

Reference Population
n and Residential
Age (Years) Vitamin C Intake (mg/d) Vitamin C Status (µmol/L) Vitamin C Deficiency (%) p Value a
Institutionalised vs. community dwelling
Paniz 2007 [40] 67 older women (Brazil) 22 non-institutionalised 68 ± 6 NR 76 ± 6 NR
45 retirement home 71 ± 6 54 ± 4 0.002
Bates 1999 [41] >1000 older people (NDNS, UK) >785 free-living ≥65 33% b 44 ± 25 14 NR
>230 institutionalised ≥65 45% 25 ± 21 40
Löwik 1993 [42] 135 older women (the Netherlands) 52 independent living ≥65 146 ± 75 61 ± 21 0
29 serviced flats ≥65 135 ± 188 54 ± 19 4
54 nursing home ≥65 55 ± 28 24 ± 18 35 <0.001
Barnes 1990 [33] 139 older people (USA) 89 non-institutionalised 60–90 NR 89 ± 35 NR
50 institutionalised 60–90 70 ± 37 <0.01
Marazzi 1990 [43] 129 older women (Italy) 65 non-institutionalised 60–90 102 ± 68 59 ± 30 2
64 institutionalised 60–90 88 ± 42 37 ± 24 11 <0.001
Newton 1985 [23] 79 older women (UK) 57 active older people ~73 58 (18–156) 44 ± 28 NR NR
12 long-stay hospital ~81 14 (9–22) 13 ± 7
10 long-stay hospital ~88 26 (7–37) 10 ± 3
Vir 1978 [44] 186 older people (Northern Ireland) 37 home 70–91 NR 22/30 c 30/23 c NR
43 hospital 65–94 16/27 30/14
20 sheltered dwelling 68–89 11/27 33/13
26 residential 65–95 10/23 67/24
McClean 1977 [45] 70 older men (New Zealand) 35 living alone NR 31 ± 29 26 ± 20 NR
35 residential home >70 21 16 ± 15 83 d <0.005
2019 [27]
149 general
medical inpatients aged ≥18 years
142 home NR NR NR 75
61 home alone 80
7 nursing home 100 NS
Teixeira 2001 [46] 50 older patients admitted to internal medicine unit (France) 50 total cohort e 80 ± 9 NR 18 ± 18 88
5 nursing home ≥65 7 ± 1 NR 0.05
Mandal 1987 [34] 277 patients newly admitted to assessment geriatric ward (UK) 120 with family ≥65 NR NR 43 NR
94 living alone ≥65 33
20 sheltered residence ≥65 35
43 institutions ≥65 49

Data represent mean and SD or SEM (or range). ap-value is for vitamin C status (or % deficiency); b—<RNI (recommended nutrient intake); c—male/female; d—hypovitaminosis C (≤23 µmol/L); and e—total cohort comprised of 27 admitted directly from their homes, 14 from the emergency department, 5 from nursing homes, and 4 from other medical units. NDNS—National Diet and Nutrition Survey; NR—not reported; and NS—not significant.