Fig. 4. Pathways regulating gene expression identified by PLIER.
Pathway-level information extractor (PLIER) analysis results showing the proportion of pathways associated with at least one latent variable for BRCA (a) and GBM (b). The Single Platform (half sample size) panel shows single platform data using half the available samples for each platform. The Combined Array and RNA-seq panel shows 50% array and 50% RNA-seq data combined and normalized by various methods representing the full set of available samples. The Single Platform (full sample size) panel shows single platform data using the full set of available samples for each platform. LOG log2-transformed, NPN nonparanormal normalization, QN quantile normalization, QN (CN) quantile normalization with CrossNorm, QN-Z quantile normalization followed by z-scoring, TDM training distribution matching, Z z-scoring.