Alignment of the ORF11 and ORF12 products with homologous proteins. Multiple alignments of the ORF11 product with eukaryotic DCs (A) and an alignment of the ORF12 product with pentalenene synthase (B) are shown. Identical (black) and similar (gray) amino acid residues are boxed. Aspartate-rich motifs (DXDD and DDXXD) are underlined. The numbers on the left and right are the residue numbers for each protein. Abbreviations and accession numbers: Pha, KS of Phaeosphaeria sp., GenBank accession no. AB003395-1; Gib, CPS of G. fujikuroi, GenBank accession no. Y15013-1; Ste, CPS of S. rebaudiana, GenBank accession no. AF034545-1; Ara, KS of A. thaliana, GenBank accession no. AC004044-7; Str, pentalenolactone synthase of Streptomyces sp., GenBank accession no. A54214.