Figure 7.
Liraglutide treatment alters the physiological response to WD. A, outline of the experimental protocol. Animals were housed in metabolic cages for precise daily measures of food intake and urine output. Animals were injected with liraglutide from the onset and throughout WD. B, total food intake during the 60-hour WD protocol and separation of these measures into the dark and light phases of the light cycle. C, measures of food intake separated into 12-hour bins corresponding to the dark and light phases of the light cycle. D, graph displaying cumulative food intake. E, total urine output during the 60-hour WD protocol and separation of these measures into the dark and light phases of the light cycle. F, measures of urine output separated into 12-hour bins corresponding to the dark and light phases of the light cycle. G, graph displaying cumulative urine output. H, measures of urine osmolality separated into 12-hour bins corresponding to the dark and light phases of the light cycle. I, endpoint plasma glucose measures in control and liraglutide treatment. J, endpoint measures of plasma copeptin in control and liraglutide treated animals measured by ELISA. K, AVP pituitary stores were determined by ELISA in control and KD animals. L, relative mRNA expression of Avp, hnAvp, Fos, Glp1r, and Creb3l1 in the SONs in control and liraglutide treated animals. M, relative mRNA expression of Gcg, Glp1r, and Fos in the NTS in control and liraglutide treated animals. Values are means + SEM of n = 4–6 animals per group. ∗p ≤ 0.05, ∗∗p ≤ 0.01, ∗∗∗p ≤ 0.001.