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. 2023 Feb 27;183(4):331–339. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2022.7170

Table 1. Participant Characteristics.

Baseline characteristic No. (%) Cohen da Total (n = 739), No. (%)
Opt-in group (n = 270 [36.5%]) Opt-out group (n = 469 [63.5%])
Age at enrollment, mean (SD), y 51.70 (14.56) 51.21 (14.80) 0.03 51.39 (14.71)
Female 123 (45.56) 226 (48.19) 0.06 349 (47.23)
Male 147 (54.44) 243 (51.81) 0.06 390 (52.77)
Race and ethnicityb
Black 49 (18.15) 83 (17.70) 0.02 132 (17.86)
Multiracial 51 (18.89) 75 (15.99) 0.11 126 (17.05)
White 158 (58.52) 270 (57.57) 0.02 428 (57.92)
Otherc 1 (0.37) 9 (1.92) 0.92d 10 (1.35)
Hispanic 11 (4.07) 32 (6.82) 0.30 43 (5.82)
Emergency admissions 140 (51.85) 248 (52.88) 0.02 388 (52.50)
Length of stay, mean (SD), d 5.10 (3.82) 5.09 (4.68) <0.01 5.10 (4.38)
Primary hospital diagnosis (ICD-10)
Diseases of the circulatory system 35 (12.96) 59 (12.58) 0.02 94 (12.72)
Diseases of the respiratory system 16 (5.93) 24 (5.12) 0.09 40 (5.41)
Neoplasms 28 (10.37) 61 (13.01) 0.14 89 (12.0)
Mental, behavioral, neurodevelopmental disorders 4 (1.48) 14 (2.99) 0.39 18 (2.44)
Other 187 (69.26) 311 (66.31) 0.07 498 (67.39)
Primary insurance
Medicare 92 (34.07) 166 (35.39) 0.03 258 (34.91)
Private 84 (31.11) 134 (28.57) 0.07 218 (29.50)
Medicaid 51 (18.89) 99 (21.11) 0.08 150 (20.30)
VA 11 (4.08) 6 (1.28) 0.65d 17 (2.30)
Other public 5 (1.85) 9 (1.92) 0.02 14 (1.89)
Self-pay/none 27 (10.00) 55 (11.73) 0.10 82 (11.10)
Age of smoking initiation [n = 736], mean (SD), y 17.62 (5.95) 16.90 (6.03) 0.12 17.17 (6.01)
Cigarettes smoked per day 13.31 (8.57) 12.57 (8.24) 0.09 12.84 (8.36)
Smoke within 30 min of waking (n = 736)e 187 (69.52) 308 (65.95) 0.09 495 (67.26)
Heaviness of smoking index (HSI), mean (SD)f 2.47 (1.47) 2.23 (1.42) 0.17 2.32 (1.45)
Willing to stay quit after discharge22 173 (64.07) 311 (66.31) 0.05 484 (65.49)
Interest in quitting smoking (range, 0-10; n = 731), mean (SD) 6.80 (3.01) 6.60 (3.21) 0.06 6.67 (3.14)
Confidence to quit/stay quit (range, 0-10; n = 722), mean (SD) 7.11 (2.91) 6.87 (3.04) 0.08 6.95 (3.00)
Use e-cigarettes in the past 30 d 13 (4.81) 38 (8.10) 0.31 51 (6.90)
Use other forms of tobacco, past 30 d 20 (7.41) 41 (8.74) 0.10 61 (8.25)
Live with other smoker (n = 738) 134 (49.63) 235 (50.21) 0.05 369 (50.00)
Past use of medication/counseling 151 (55.93) 276 (58.85) 0.07 427 (57.78)
Ban smoking in home 106 (39.26) 199 (42.43) 0.07 305 (41.27)

Abbreviations: ICD-10, International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision; VA, Veterans Affairs.


Cohen d, effect size interpretation: <0.2 negligible, 0.2-0.5 small, >0.5-0.8 medium, >0.8 large.23


Race and ethnicity variables were included because they are known to be highly associated with tobacco use and cessation, and they are required by the study funder, the National Institutes of Health.


American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian, or other Pacific Islander.


Medium/large effect size, Cohen d.


Smoking within 30 minutes of waking indicates clinically substantial nicotine dependence.


HSI is a 2-item measure combining cigarettes per day with time to first cigarette: 0-2 = low addiction, 3-4 = moderate addiction, and 5-6 = high addiction.24