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. 2023 Feb 28;11(1):e2200370. doi: 10.9745/GHSP-D-22-00370


Roles and Activities Led by Community Service Providers During Oral PrEP Service Delivery Program for PWID, Bayelsa and Niger States, Nigeria

Community Service Provider No. Engaged Role and Services Provided
PWID peer outreach workersa 10
  • Provided basic information about HIV prevention, oral PrEP screening, counseling, home delivery of oral PrEP, and linkage and referrals to DICs for additional services

  • Led outreach, demand creation, trust-building activities at hotspots, education, and discussions on HIV/STI prevention and treatment at the community level

  • Provided incentives (e.g., mosquito nets, condoms, face masks) to PWID for attending health education sessions

CART team membersb 10
  • Provided outreach to PWID hotspots to counsel, test, initiate ART, provide oral PrEP and other prevention services, and facilitate referrals for other services

Abbreviations: ART, antiretroviral therapy; CART, community antiretroviral therapy; DIC, drop-in center; M&E, monitoring and evaluation; PrEP, preexposure prophylaxis; PWID, people who inject drugs; STI, sexually transmitted infection.


Members of the PWID community.


Including pharmacist, clinician, lab technician, social worker, and M&E staff.