Fig. 2.
Illustration of the specification of the prior probabilities for DE/DM under a cell type hierarchy. The cell type hierarchy is represented by three cell types and a few features (genes or CpG sites). The three cell types form a simple tree (shown in the left). In the array of squares and circles, each column represents a feature. Circles represent root or internal nodes, and the squares represent leaf nodes. Colors represent the differential states of the node (black: 1; gray: 0). The root node Dg{1, 2, 3}, internal node Dg{2, 3}, and leaf nodes Zg1, Zg2 and Zg3 are binary random variables representing the g-th feature differential states. π represents the marginal probability for a node to be in state 1. p represents the conditional probability of a node to be in state 1 when its parent node is in state 1