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. 2023 Jan 26;97(2):e00089-23. doi: 10.1128/jvi.00089-23


Examples of useful gain-of-function experiments

Goal/result Microbe Gain-of-Function Reference
Insect control Baculovirus Scorpion neurotoxin (18)
Solid tumor therapy Vaccinia GM-CSF Expression (19)a
Melanoma therapy Herpes Simplex GM-CSF Expression (20)
COVID-19 vaccine Adenovirus type 26 Expression of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (21)a
Repair Cardiac pacemaker Adenovirus Expression of sinoatrial node transcription factor (22)
Treatment of bacterial infectious diseases Bacteriophages Expression of various payloads to enhance activity (23)
Treating Citrus tree greening disease Citrus tristeza virus Spinach Defensin expression (24)
Enhanced Lithium Batteries E4 and M13 bacteriophage Modified coat protein for carbon nanotube and cation binding (25)
Rabbit control through immunocontraception Myxoma virus Expression of rabbit zona pellucida glycoproteins (26)b
Mouse control through immunocontraception Ectromelia Expression of mouse zona pellucida glycoproteins (27)b
Faster computers M13 bacteriophage Increased electrical conductance (28)
Established that H5N1 has capacity for mammalian transmissibility H5N1 Mutations leading to mammalian transmission (29, 30)
Established danger from bat SARS-like coronavirus to humans SARS-CoV Bat coronavirus spike protein (31)
Drought and salt resistance in plants Arabidopsis Over expression of vacuolar H+-ATPase (32)
Resistance to dengue virus to reduce transmission Mosquitoes Transgenic expression of antibody to dengue virus (33)
Resistance to freezing Many species from plant to animals Expression of anti-freeze proteins (34)
Increase nitrogen fixation to reduce fertilizer need Klebsiella variicola 122-fold increase in nitrogen fixation genes (35)
Develop a new vaccine against cryptococcosis Cryptococcus neoformans Expression of gamma- interferon (36)
Hormones for human therapy (e.g. insulin) E. coli Synthesis of human hormone (e.g. insulin) (37)
Enzymes for food prepn such as pectinases for improved juice production Yeast species Enzyme expression for industrial use (38)
CAR T cells Lentivirus Cancer immunotherapy (39)
Dengue vaccine Dengue/yellow fever virus Recombinant DNA technology replaces genetic sequences in the yellow fever vaccine with dengue virus sequences (40)b

FDA approved product.


Experiments done in viruses that classify as pathogens with pandemic potential.