Tumor spheroid growth and vascularization on the CAM of fertilized chicken eggs is reduced by ADAM17 inhibition alone or in combination with irradiation. A549 lung adenocarcinoma cells were inoculated on the CAM in between major vessels on developmental day 9. Resulting spheroids were treated with MEDI3622 or control antibody IgG1 on day 11 and received (sham-) irradiation on developmental day 12. A, Spheroid size was measured on developmental day 11 (d11) and 14 (d14). Change in tumor spheroid size on d14 was related to size on d11. B, Spheroid-associated vessels were counted manually on d11 and d14. Change in spheroid-associated vessel number on d14 was related to spheroid-associated vessel number on d11. C, Representative images of tumor spheroids on d14. Scale bar, 15 mm. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001; ****, P < 0.0001.