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. 2023 Feb 15;14:1082166. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1082166


Cluster information of all performed analyses.

Brain region BA Peak voxel coordinates Cluster size T-value p-cFWE
x y z
Intrinsic connectivity contrast (ICC): Pilots > Controls
 No significant results
Intrinsic connectivity contrast (ICC): Controls > Pilots
  Inferior frontal gyrus, L (pars orbitalis) BA47 −42 40 −10 68 5.80 0.031
Seed: inferior frontal gyrus, L: Pilots > Controls
 No significant results
Seed: inferior frontal gyrus, L: Controls > Pilots
  Superior medial gyrus, L BA9 0 46 46 222 4.89 0.001
Seed: right parietal operculum 2: Pilots > Controls
  Visual cortex (hOc3; V3), L BA18 −32 −100 −04 143 7.31 0.014
Seed: right parietal operculum 2: Controls > Pilots
 No significant results
Seed: right angular gyrus: Pilots > Controls
  Angular gyrus, L BA39 −40 −66 36 309 4.74 <0.001
Seed: right angular gyrus: Controls > Pilots
 No significant results
positive correlation between ICC maps and flight hours
  Temporal pole, R BA38 34 16 −30 67 11.67 0.001
  Middle frontal gyrus, R BA9 38 48 36 57 7.17 0.005
  Inferior frontal gyrus, L (pars triangularis) BA46 −54 40 6 41 8.76 0.050
negative correlation between ICC maps and flight hours
  Postcentral gyrus, L BA4 −50 −10 24 153 11.30 <0.001
  Paracentral lobule, L BA1 −8 −30 60 95 9.73 <0.001
  Precentral gyrus, R BA6 14 −24 72 65 8.22 0.002

Significant clusters for the intrinsic connectivity contrast analysis, the seed-to-voxel analysis, and the correlation analysis with flight hours are described by the brain region label, peak voxel coordinates in MNI, space, cluster size and statistical information; BA, brodmann area; T-values are cluster-averaged; p-cFWE, is the p-value after cluster-wise family-wise error (FWE) correction. R = right, L = left.