Fig. 6.
Delayed AVF due to a traffic accident in a 17 year-old boy. a, b CT scan and digital subtraction angiography of the right internal iliac artery obtained immediately after admission show active bleeding (arrows). Non-selective embolization of the right internal iliac artery with gelatin particles has been performed. c, d Coronal view CT scan and digital subtraction angiography of the internal pudendal artery obtained 3 weeks after injury show early filling of a pelvic vein (arrowhead). The AVF has multiple feeding arteries. e A transvenous approach has been used to embolize the drainer vein. f The main drainer vein has been embolized with microcoils (arrowhead), and the feeding arteries have been embolized with NBCA (black arrows), gelatin particles, and microcoils (white arrow). Digital subtraction angiography of the right internal iliac artery shows disappearance of the AVF. AVF arteriovenous malformation; CT computed tomography