Molecular subtype assignments involving multiple tumors from the same patient
(A) By patient, molecular subtype assignments for 1,955 PDX tumors involving 557 patients with multiple PDX tumors represented in the PDX compendium expression dataset. Patients are sorted according to those for whom a plurality of tumors were of the same subtype (left) and those for whom no single subtype was represented in a plurality of tumors (right).
(B) By patient, molecular subtype assignments for 382 patient tumor metastases involving 131 patients with multiple tumor metastases represented in the patient metastasis compendium dataset. Patients are sorted according to those for whom a plurality of tumors were of the same subtype (left) and those for whom no single subtype was represented in a plurality of tumors (right).
(C) For the 307 patient tumor metastasis expression profiles for which expression profiles for the paired primary were available, both the primary and the metastasis were classified for the PDX-based subtypes. The expression heatmap represents the subtype-associated expression patterns of the tumor metastases in relation to the patterns for the corresponding paired primary tumors.
(D) For the 307 tumor metastases represented in (C), the overlaps between the metastasis-based and the paired primary-based subtype assignments are shown. The p values were found by one-sided Fisher’s exact test. For 125 of the 307 tumor metastases (41%), the metastasis-based and primary-based subtype assignments were the same.