Figure 2.
The effect of salbutamol vs. salbutamol with propranolol on heart rate, blood pressure, energy expenditure, and nutrient oxidation rates
(A, C–G)The direct change in heart rate (n = 10) (A) and change over the study day of heart rate (n = 9) (C), systolic blood pressure (SBP) (n = 10) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) (n = 9) (D), energy expenditure (EE) (n = 9) (E), fatty acid oxidation (FATox) (n = 9) (F), and carbohydrate oxidation (CHOox) (n = 9) (G) after salbutamol (red bars with circles) vs. salbutamol with propranolol (green bars with diamonds). For one participant, EE measurement failed due to technical issues. In one participant, a measurement of heart rate at the end of the study after salbutamol with propranolol is missing. General linear models with repeated measures and pairwise comparisons were used to test the effect of treatment and to compare the treatment regimens. Bars represent means, circles/diamonds represent individual values, and gray lines represent paired data. Before vs. after treatment: фp ≤ 0.05, ффp ≤ 0.01, фффp ≤ 0.001. Salbutamol vs. salbutamol with propranolol: ∗p ≤ 0.05, ∗∗p ≤ 0.01, ∗∗∗p ≤ 0.001.
(B) The effect of salbutamol (n = 10; red circles) vs. salbutamol with propranolol (n = 9; green diamonds) on heart rate over time. Vertical dashed line represents the moment of the administration of salbutamol. General linear model with repeated measures was used to test for an interaction between treatment regime and the effect of treatment over time. Bars represent means, and error bars represent SD.