Figure 11.
Presenting scenario of patients #42 with an instrumental lesion pattern consistent with an ischemic damage in the territory mainly supplied by the right VCA (see also the Supplementary Video 1). (A) Pure-tone audiometry exhibiting high-frequency sensorineural HL on the right side. (B) vHIT showing a selective VOR-gain impairment for the right PSC (0.42) with overt saccades. (C) cVEMPs revealing absent potentials on the right side and normal responses on the left side (AR = 100%). (D) oVEMPs with potentials on both sides with an amplitude asymmetry within normality range (L > R, AR = 29%). (E) Schematic representation of the vascular supply of the inner ear, highlighting the assumed ischemic pathomechanism [modified from Schuknecht (63)]. Labyrinthine receptors mainly supplied by the VCA are represented in gray. AC, air-conduction; AICA, anterior-inferior cerebellar artery; ASC, anterior semicircular canal; BC, bone-conduction; cVEMPs, cervical vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials; HSC, horizontal semicircular canal; L, left; LA, left anterior; LL, left lateral; LP, left posterior; oVEMPs, ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials; PSC, posterior semicircular canal; R, right; RA, right anterior; RL, right lateral; RP, right posterior; VCA, vestibulo-cochlear artery; vHIT, video-head impulse test; VOR, vestibulo-ocular reflex.