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. 2023 Mar 1;8(1):9–22. doi: 10.22540/JFSF-08-009

File 2.

Interview/focus group schedules.

A. Instructor interview guide
• Thank you for agreeing to take part in the evaluation.
• Review the purpose of the study in general:

 - Interested in hearing about why they got involved in SNF and their experience of being involved, especially interested in hearing about the impact of the pandemic.
 - Make participant aware we are also holding focus groups with ‘clients’ as part of the evaluation.
• Statement on confidentiality, right to withdraw consent, recording of the telephone interview.
• Ask if the participant have any questions before starting the interview and that they are still happy to continue.
1. Could you tell me about how you first heard about the Strictly No Falls programme?
2. How did you then get involved and become an instructor in Strictly No Falls?
 - what was your understanding of the programme/what did you think the job would entail?
 - Why did you initially decide to become an instructor – what motivated you?
 - How long have you been employed/when did you qualify as an instructor?
Nature of the role
3. Can you tell me about your job role as a SNF instructor, what it involves? (might want to talk about what it involved pre-pandemic first, then any changes since the pandemic/ongoing adjustments)
 - Which and how many classes do you run? (type of class – eg. CBE, online or in person)
 - Where are the classes (rural v. urban)
 - How many clients do you have contact with on a weekly basis? -
How has this changed since the pandemic – face to face or online, any additional activities as a result of the pandemic? (pre pandemic, first lockdown announcement in March 2020, subsequent lockdowns until summer 2021, after restrictions were lifted)
4. Can you tell me about the interaction you have with ‘clients’?
 - How often do you contact/see them – during and outside of exercise classes -
Has the amount of contact changed during the pandemic (pre-pandemic, first lockdown announcement in March 2020, subsequent lockdowns until summer 2021, after restrictions were lifted
5. What involvement/interactions do you have with those who support you/Age UK?
 - How often do you contact/see them – during and outside of exercise classes -
Has the amount of contact changed during the pandemic (pre-pandemic, first lockdown announcement in March 2020, subsequent lockdowns until summer 2021, after restrictions were lifted) - What support have you received from Age UK?
Motivations behind/Benefits of SNF
6. Why do you think people attend SNF?
 - What motivates them to attend
 - What are the benefits of the programme for them - Physical/psychological/social
7. What motivates you to continue to work as an instructor on SNF?
 - What do you enjoy most about your role
 - What do you enjoy the least about your role
Potential barriers/changes to the programme
8. Do you know of any barriers to attend SNF for older people?
 - Know of any reasons why clients might not complete the initial 12 week programme
 - Differences in types of exercise groups/urban v rural -
Impact of the pandemic (first lockdown announcement in March 2020, subsequent lockdowns until summer 2021, after restrictions were lifted)
9. How could SNF be advertised/promoted to others?
 - Continue as it is/any ideas?
10. What do you think the programme does well and should continue to do?
 - As a result of the pandemic did anything change that you thing should stay as it is?
11. Going forward, are there any areas where you feel SNF could be changed/improved upon?
Either to - benefit/facilitate the client
 - benefit/facilitate the instructor
12. Is there anything related to SNF that we have not spoken about but feel is important to mention before we finish?
Closing remarks
• Do you have any questions for me before we end the interview?
• Check demographic questions answered • Thank you for your time • Arrangement of inconvenience allowance/retail voucher?
B. Client focus group guide
• Thank you for agreeing to take part in the evaluation.
• Review the purpose of the study in general: -
Interested in hearing about why they got involved in SNF and their experience of being involved, especially interested in hearing about the impact of the pandemic. -
Make participants aware we are also conducting one to one interview with instructors as part of the evaluation.
• Statement on confidentiality, right to withdraw consent, recording of the focus group
• Ask if the participants have any questions before starting the interview and that they are still happy to continue.
• Reminder of some house rules of focus groups – please do not speak over each other, everyone’s views are important even if they are not the same as yours, please keep anything mentioned in the session between ourselves….doubt these will be too ferocious!
1. How did people first hear about SNF and how did they get involved?
 - From who?
 - If referred – how was this process?
2. Prior to coming along to one of the sessions what did you think taking part in the SNF programme entailed?
 - Types of exercise
 - How and where it took place
 - How did you feel prior to going along to your first session
3. Initially, based on what you knew at the start, what motivated people to attend?
Being involved in the SNF programme
4. Tell me about what being involved with SNF entails?
(might want to talk about what it involved pre-pandemic first, then any changes since the pandemic/ongoing adjustments)
 - How many sessions on average do clients attend per week/month
 - Which sessions do clients attend
 - Online v. face 2 face sessions
 - How has this changed since the pandemic
5. Can you tell me about the relationship clients have with instructors?
 - How often do you communicate – just in classes?
 - What are the instructors like – friendly/helpful/supportive
 - What impact did the pandemic have?
Motivations behind/Benefits of SNF
6. Have people seen any benefits to attending SNF classes?
 - Health/physical/psychological/social
 - Impact of the pandemic
7. Has attending/being part of SNF had any knock on effect/impact to other parts of your life?
8. What motivates people to continue to attend SNF classes?
 - Has this changed at all due to the pandemic?
Potential barriers/changes to the programme
9. Do people know of any barriers other might have when considering whether to attend SNF?
 - Know of any reasons why people might not complete the initial 12 week programme/drop out
 - Differences in types of exercise groups/urban v rural
 - Financial barriers
 - Impact of the pandemic
10. How could SNF be advertised/promoted to potential clients?
 - Continue as it is/any ideas?
11. What do you think the programme does well at and should continue to do?
 - As a result of the pandemic did anything change that you thing should stay as it is?
12. Going forward, Are there any areas where you feel SNF could be changed/improved upon?
Either to -benefit/facilitate the client
 -benefit/facilitate the instructor
13. Is there anything related to SNF that we have not spoken about but feel is important to mention before we finish?
Closing remarks
• Do you have any questions for me before we end the interview?
• Check demographic questions answered
• Thank you for your time
• Arrangement of inconvenience allowance/retail voucher?