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. 2022 Dec 1;53(3):668–686. doi: 10.1017/S0033291722003634

Table 5.

Nominal Predictors: Retention chances and follow-up contrasts of the final model [reduced study set (without DBT arms from Priebe 2012 and Gaglia et al., 2013)]

Transformed scale Estimated survival chance per quarter
Predictor Pooled mean Rubin's s.e. Deviation contrast Pooled mean 95% CI
t P Upper Lower
Dropout per quarter imputed*
No* 0.808 0.050 2.266 0.025 0.894 0.869 0.916
Yes* 0.645 0.066 −2.266 0.025 0.851 0.813 0.886
Treatment format*
Individual* 0.850 0.056 2.612 0.009 0.904 0.877 0.927
Combined individual-group 0.750 0.054 0.666 0.51 0.880 0.851 0.905
Group* 0.579 0.078 −2.988 0.003 0.832 0.784 0.875
Quarter 1* 0.473 0.049 −9.134 <0.001 0.799 0.767 0.829
Quarter 2 0.692 0.055 −1.033 0.30 0.864 0.833 0.892
Quarter 3* 0.841 0.062 3.112 0.002 0.901 0.872 0.927
Quarter 4* 0.899 0.064 4.473 <0.001 0.914 0.885 0.938
Treatment category*
DBT 0.753 0.064 0.459 0.65 0.880 0.846 0.910
DBTreduced 0.591 0.097 −1.454 0.15 0.836 0.776 0.887
ST* 1.033 0.073 4.801 <0.001 0.940 0.913 0.961
TFP 0.689 0.105 −0.416 0.68 0.864 0.802 0.913
MBT* 0.910 0.082 2.667 0.008 0.917 0.880 0.946
TAU 0.726 0.071 0.005 1.00 0.873 0.834 0.907
PsychoDynamic 0.765 0.081 0.548 0.58 0.883 0.840 0.919
CTBE* 0.311 0.128 −3.176 <0.001 0.745 0.654 0.827
Specified other 0.818 0.063 1.898 0.06 0.896 0.865 0.923
CBT 0.664 0.123 −0.568 0.57 0.857 0.783 0.916
Treatment category × quarter*
Quarter 1 DBT 0.510 0.068 0.572 0.57 0.811 0.768 0.851
DBTreduced 0.453 0.096 −0.209 0.83 0.793 0.728 0.850
ST* 0.858 0.087 4.811 <0.001 0.905 0.863 0.939
TFP 0.294 0.135 −1.517 0.13 0.738 0.643 0.826
MBT* 1.067 0.121 5.463 <0.001 0.945 0.899 0.975
TAU 0.385 0.076 −1.331 0.18 0.770 0.718 0.818
PsychoDynamic 0.554 0.010 0.905 0.37 0.824 0.761 0.879
CTBE* −0.232 0.162 −4.865 <0.001 0.548 0.439 0.663
Specified other* 0.598 0.071 2.006 0.045 0.838 0.795 0.876
CBT* 0.243 0.130 −1.986 0.048 0.721 0.628 0.807
Quarter 2 DBT 0.696 0.073 0.059 0.95 0.865 0.824 0.901
DBTreduced 0.601 0.121 −0.771 0.44 0.839 0.763 0.901
ST* 0.942 0.093 2.788 0.005 0.923 0.882 0.954
TFP 0.659 0.155 −0.238 0.81 0.855 0.760 0.927
MBT* 0.964 0.113 2.699 0.007 0.927 0.878 0.962
TAU 0.741 0.097 0.571 0.57 0.877 0.824 0.921
PsychoDynamic 0.696 0.107 0.046 0.96 0.866 0.803 0.916
CTBE* 0.194 0.182 −2.994 0.003 0.703 0.572 0.824
Specified other 0.789 0.079 1.367 0.17 0.889 0.848 0.923
CBT 0.637 0.212 −0.304 0.76 0.849 0.713 0.943
Quarter 3 DBT 0.809 0.088 −0.368 0.71 0.894 0.849 0.930
DBTreduced 0.557 0.168 −1.789 0.07 0.825 0.715 0.911
ST* 1.216 0.112 3.459 <0.001 0.966 0.933 0.985
TFP 0.888 0.174 0.302 0.76 0.912 0.823 0.967
MBT 0.811 0.108 −0.291 0.77 0.895 0.838 0.938
TAU 0.861 0.126 0.172 0.86 0.906 0.842 0.951
PsychoDynamic 0.822 0.133 −0.155 0.88 0.897 0.827 0.948
CTBE 0.695 0.217 −0.731 0.46 0.865 0.730 0.953
Specified other 0.880 0.088 0.473 0.64 0.910 0.868 0.943
CBT 0.869 0.267 0.121 0.90 0.908 0.757 0.982
Quarter 4 DBT 0.998 0.101 1.034 0.30 0.934 0.892 0.963
DBTreduced 0.752 0.193 −0.796 0.43 0.880 0.766 0.955
ST* 1.119 0.108 2.067 0.039 0.953 0.916 0.977
TFP 0.914 0.170 0.098 0.92 0.918 0.832 0.969
MBT 0.800 0.109 −0.947 0.34 0.892 0.834 0.937
TAU 0.919 0.137 0.152 0.88 0.918 0.853 0.962
PsychoDynamic 0.988 0.144 0.672 0.50 0.932 0.868 0.972
CTBE 0.588 0.213 −1.583 0.11 0.835 0.694 0.935
Specified other 1.004 0.100 1.128 0.26 0.935 0.894 0.964
CBT 0.908 0.272 0.035 0.97 0.916 0.766 0.985

Significant effects in bold. * p < 0.05.