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. 2021 Feb 24;5(6):525–530. doi: 10.1177/2474126421993664

Table 1.

List of All Patients Included in the Study.

Patient Age, y Sex Scheduled follow-up, d Actual follow-up, d Pre- BCVA BCVA after hemorrhage Baseline BCVA, fellow eye CNVM status pre–COVID-19,
last injected agent
Size >1 disc diameter Hemorrhage thickness, μm Prior OCT risk features Prior hemorrhage Duration of subjective change, d Anticoagulation COVID-19 systemic risks Systemic vascular comorbidities Spoke with physician about delaying follow-up
1 78 F 84 159 20/150 20/300 20/100 Active, aflibercept Yes 944 SHRM adjacent to active PED-CNVM Yes 60 None Asthma HTN No
2 78 M 84 132 20/25 CF 3 ft 20/70 Nonexudative Yes 1110 Irregular PED with pigment No 90 Asa 81 COPD HTN, OSA No
3 90 M 28 55 20/250 CF 2 ft 20/60 Active, aflibercept Yes 46 GA, shallow irregular PED Yes 3 Asa 81, apixaban Smoking/COPD CAD/Afib No
4 97 F 240 268 20/30 20/70 20/70 Nonexudative No 420 Drusen, no signs of CNVM No 90 Asa 81 Asthma HTN, heart block No
5 78 M 28 120 20/20 20/125 20/25 Active, ranibizumab No 119 Shallow irregular PED with pigment Yes 28 Asa 81 Diabetes HTN, CAD Yes
6 83 F 63 103 20/25 20/40 20/100 Active, aflibercept No 96 Irregular PED adjacent to GA Yes 14 Asa 81 Mycophenolate mofetil for AI hepatitis No
7 53 F 70 92 20/25 20/25 20/20 Active, aflibercept No 90 Active FCE-associated CNVM with SRF Yes 14 None None No
8 86 F 42 137 20/70 HM 20/60 Active, ranibizumab Yes 374 Active CNVM, PED with SRF No Asa 81, clopidogrel CHF, CKD4 HTN, CAD No
9 96 M 63 116 20/100 10/125 20/300 Active, aflibercept Yes 190 Shallow irregular PED with pigment No 14 Asa 81, clopidogrel Smoking/COPD Hx of AA s/p repair No
10 88 M 112 208 CF 1 ft CF 1 ft 20/25 Inactive Yes 360 Disciform scar, irregular PED adjacent Yes Rivaroxaban Smoking/CHF CAD/Afib No
11 78 F 35 70 20/40 20/300 20/40 Active, aflibercept Yes 528 SHRM adjacent to active PED No 7 None Age only No
12 86 F 180 201 20/100 20/150 20/200 Nonexudative No 119 Drusen, GA, no signs of CNVM No 1 None Smoking/COPD No
13 70 F 42 210 20/150 20/150 20/25 Active, aflibercept No 227 Large, irregular PED (460-µm height) Yes 60 None Diabetes No
14 90 F 49 188 20/50 20/200 20/25 Active, aflibercept No 236 Shallow, irregular PED Yes 30 None Smoking/COPD No
Mean 82.2 ± 11.3 86.9 ± 66.8 147.1 ± 61.0

Abbreviations: AA, aortic aneurysm; Afib, atrial fibrillation; AI, autoimmune hepatitis; Asa, aspirin; BCVA, best-corrected visual acuity; CAD, coronary artery disease; CF, counting fingers; CHF, congestive heart failure; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CNVM, choroidal neovascular membrane; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; F, female; FCE, focal choroidal excavation; GA, geographic atrophy; HM, hand motion; HTN, hypertension; Hx, history; M, male; OCT, optical coherence tomography; OSA, obstructive sleep apnea; PED, pigment epithelial detachment; SHRM, subretinal hyperreflective material; s/p, status post; SRF, subretinal fluid.