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. 2022 Feb 23;101(4):396–404. doi: 10.1111/aogs.14334


Sample characteristics of women considered at high risk of developing gestational diabetes (N = 77 210) and their associated stillbirth rates in non‐anomalous pregnancies ≥24+0 gestational weeks (“pre‐GDM screening,” i.e., January 2008 to December 2010) and after (“GDM screening” i.e., January 2011 to December 2019) implementation of the universal gestational diabetes screening program in Austria

Pre‐GDM screening GDM screening
2008–2010 2011–2019
Baseline characteristics Estimates 95% CI Estimates 95% CI p‐value a
Women at high risk for GDM 11 712 (5.4) 5.26–5.45 65 498 (9.1) 9.01–9.14 <0.001
Antepartum stillbirths, n (‰) 48 (4.10) 3.09–5.43 194 (2.96) 2.57–3.41 0.043
Maternal age (years) 32 (26.5–36.0) 28.69–35.00 31 (27.0–36.0) 31.00–32.15 0.883
Maternal BMI (kg/m2) 32.8 (31.2–35.85) 31.43–34.29 32.9 (31.1–35.8) 32.00–33.65 0.695
Stillbirth age (weeks) 34.0 (30.0–38.0) 31.69–37.00 35.5 (30.0–39.0) 35.00–36.00 0.579
Fetal sex
Male 19 (39.6) 26.69–54.11 112 (57.7) 50.62–64.54 0.024
Female 29 (60.4) 45.89–73.31 82 (42.3) 35.46–49.38

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; GDM, gestational diabetes. Estimates are presented as n (%) or median (interquartile range) unless otherwise indicated.


p‐values were calculated using the unpaired t‐test, the Mann–Whitney U test and the Chi‐squared test, respectively.