The space of analytic approaches in human neuroimaging. A nonexhaustive collection of different popular methods for analyzing human neuroimaging data, embedded into a cube axes that highlight three key dynamical systems characteristics: Static-to-Dynamic (x), Reverse-to-Forwards (y), and Local-to-Global (z). We have argued that embracing the dynamical systems perspective requires moving to the top right of the cube (i.e., the “Ideal Experiment”). While the theoretical goal of models should be dynamic, global, and built with forward modeling in mind, multiple approaches are necessary for comprehensive understanding, especially the analysis of empirically obtained data (the reverse approach). For further clarity, methods with high loading on the “Reverse” axis are colored red, and those high on the “Forwards” axis are colored green. Note that some methods cover larger portions of this space than has been designated here (e.g., both PCA and ICA can be used in either a dynamic or a static sense) and that the boxes should not be considered as strong limits for particular methods, but rather as an approximate consensus for how particular methods are currently used by the majority of neuroimaging studies in the field. SPM = statistical parametric mapping; FC = functional connectivity; MVPA = multivoxel pattern analysis; tvFC = time-varying functional connectivity; Dir. FC = directed functional connectivity; PCA = principal components analysis; ICA = independent components analysis; ACF = autocorrelation function; DCM = dynamic causal modeling; SC = structural connectivity.