Network pillars. Bars depict nodal degree (light gray) and nodal strength (dark gray) for all hub nodes. Large circles denote connector hubs, smaller circles denote provincial hub. The absence of a circle means that this node was not a hub in the respective network. Color indicates module affiliation. Colored bars depict network pillars. Abbreviations: R, right; L, left; 2/3a/3b/6/17/18/44, Brodmann areas (BA) 2/3a/3b/6/17/18/44; 4a/4p, anterior/posterior part of BA 4; 5M, subdivision of BA 5; Cbl-V/VI/VIv, cerebellar lobules V/VI/VI vermis; FG, fusiform gyrus; hOC4v, ventral part of area hOC4; IL, insula; LG, lingual gyrus; MCC, middle cingulate cortex; MFG, middle frontal gyrus; MOG, middle occipital gyrus; MTG, middle temporal gyrus; OP1, operculum; PCu, precuneus; PF/PFcm, area PF/PFcm in the inferior parietal cortex; TE3.0, area TE3.0 in the auditory cortex; Tp/Tpf/Tt, parietal/prefrontal/temporal subdivisions of the thalamus; and TP, temporal pole.