Extended Data Fig. 4. Snx25 cKO in DRGs does not yield the pain-insensitive phenotype.
(a) Schematic representation showing that the initial targeting construct (upper; knock-out first construct) for the Snx25 gene was transformed to an Snx25fl/fl (for exon 4) construct after recombination by flippase (FLP). (b) VF thresholds of WT, Snx25+/−, and Snx25fl/fl mice are shown (WT: n = 6; Snx25+/−: n = 7; Snx25fl/fl: n = 5). Snx25+/+/Snx25+/−, p = 0.004; Snx25+/+/Snx25fl/fl, p = 0.001. g, gram. (c) Formalin responses in the phase 1 (left, 0–10 min, Snx25+/+/Snx25+/−, p = 0.014) and phase 2 (right, 20–60 min, Snx25+/+/Snx25+/−, p = 0.011) for three lines of mice (WT: n = 6; Snx25+/−: n = 7; Snx25fl/fl: n = 7). s, second. (d) Experimental paradigm and schedule. The Avil Cre driver functions specifically in DRG neurons. TAM feeding for two weeks was employed to differentiate control (No TAM) and experimental (TAM) groups. Another control was Snx25fl/fl mice without Cre driver and with TAM feeding. (e) Representative immunoblotting showed the expression levels of SNX25 in the DRG (L4) of Snx25Avil-cKO mice in the presence or absence of TAM. (f) VF thresholds are plotted for Snx25fl/fl and Snx25Avil-cKO mice treated with TAM (Snx25fl/fl: n = 19; Snx25Avil-cKO: n = 24, p = 0.068). g, gram. (g) VF thresholds were plotted for Snx25Avil-cKO mice before and after TAM treatment (n = 12, p = 0.165). g, gram. (h) Formalin responses of the two groups of mice (Snx25fl/fl : n = 5, Snx25Avil-cKO: n = 11). The responses in the phase 1 (left, 0–10 min, p = 0.529) and phase 2 (right, 20–60 min, p = 0.747) are indicated. s, second. (i) Expression profiles of mRNAs for pain-related factors (Trpv1, Scn9a, Scn10a) in DRG (L4) of Snx25fl/fl and Snx25Avil-cKO are shown (Snx25fl/fl: n = 6; Snx25Avil-cKO: n = 6). Trpv1, p = 0.687; Scn9a, p = 0.422; Scn10a, p = 0.576. Results are represented as mean ± SEM. Statistical analyses were performed using the two-tailed Student’s t-test (f–i) or one-way ANOVA (b and c), and significant differences between group means were identified with the Tukey–Kramer test. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. n.s., not significant.