Fig. 7. dMacs were sufficient to initiate pain sensation.
a, Confocal microscopy of the hind paw skin immunolabeled for CD206 or MHC-II in WT mice injected with control liposome or clodronate liposome. Right, quantification of mean fluorescence intensities for CD206 and MHC-II (n = 3 hind paw skin sections from three different mice, CD206, P = 0.003; MHC-II, P = 8.42 × 10−5). Scale bar, 200 μm. b, VF thresholds on the side injected with control liposome (n = 20, P = 0.296) or the side injected with clodronate liposome (n = 20, P = 0.023) of WT mice. g, gram. c,d, Expression of NGF, SNX25 and CD206 in the hind paw skin of sides injected with control liposome or clodronate liposome in WT mice examined by immunoblotting (c) and semi-quantitatively compared for NGF, SNX25 and CD206 (d). Control, n = 5; clodronate, n = 5. NGF, P = 6.69 × 10−6; SNX25, P = 2.87 × 10−6; CD206, P = 4.22 × 10−8. e, VF thresholds of sides injected with vehicle or 4-OHT (left and right side, respectively) of the hind paws of Snx25Cx3cr1-cKO;Ai32Tg/+ mice (n = 15, P = 0.009). g, gram. f, Confocal microscopy of the hind paw skin, the sciatic nerve and the DRG immunolabeled for MHC-II and YFP of the Snx25Cx3cr1-cKO;Ai32Tg/+ mice shown in e. Sections of the side injected with vehicle (top) and the side injected with 4-OHT (bottom). Scale bar, 50 μm. Results are represented as mean ± s.e.m. Statistical analyses were performed using two-tailed Student’s t-test (a,b,e) or two-tailed Welch’s t-test (d). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01. Representative of three independent experiments (a,f).